Dance Theatre - Wind ValleyOct.18th - 19th, 2014  Duanjun Theatre, STA

Through performance in this dance theatre, Tibetan choreographer Wanma Jiancuo now sets the context in a fictionary future where human race civilization was declin-ing by a clue of birth, development, death and rebirth, and finally all creatures became extinct and was replaced by machines and robots.  Wanma tries to explore how tech-nology, such as wind power, influ-ences us throughout the history of evolution.


 Wanma Jiancuo

Born in Tibet in 1979, he loved dancing at a young age, and has created and directed more than 10 dance dramas, gained awards such as the Best Creation Award in Chinese Dance Competition, the Golden Medal in National Taoli Cup Dance Competition, Mandarin Award for performers in China Art Festival, and Golden Award in International Dance Competition in Seoul.  After further education in the Graduate School of Minzu University of China, he established Beijing Wanma Dance Troupe in 2012 and his first work ShamBhaLa is warmly accepted both at home and abroad.